Thursday, December 23, 2010

Arrivato: Return to Palermo/ Posso fare un photo?

The four of us traveled to Palermo almost completely without incident.  One night of rest in Palermo and a half day to follow.  In the early afternoon the next day, our plan was to travel to Sciacca.  We were all without tickets for the train from Valle Alba to Palermo.  Fortunately for Eleanor's beautiful face, charm and ability to play the I don't know anything card at exactly the right moment with wide wet eyes, we were all given free passage on the train.  The only hostage taken was a love sick Italian that thought he would have a date in Agrigento the next night.  (Bastard was probably married).  Lesson here, always travel with gorgeous people.  The ones that glow from the inside to the out are the best for sure.   One can profit from the power of their looks and indulge in the richness of their company in every way. 

What I can say about this time is, it all felt easy.  We arrived in a sweet little pensione owned by a man that will officially be counted as my first crush on a beautiful Italian man during this adventure.  We unload our goods, rested for a spell, cleaned up, got dressed in our city clothes and started our walking and eating adventure.  In the hours that followed I turned into a Shutterbug.  I crossed over from being just a pedestrian to becoming an observer again.  I watched my fellow travelers and I mirrored them.  Eleanor taught me how to ask someone if I could take their picture.  Now I am certain i have asked this question about 100 times.  In one evening and a morning I regained a huge chunk of myself, a part of me that eroded.  In the last few years of my life I have forgotten how to see.  I had forgotten to seek out the odd little everyday things that make being alive amazing.  That seems campy and tright but when you loose this idea and regain it, life feels renewed and exciting.  Maybe it is a little like falling in love.  The  overwhelming feeling of bliss, hope, potential, all bubbling up like a hot spring.  It shocks me that I am actually writing something so sacrine, but there you have it.  Watching Zoe and Eleanor click away, then mimicking them brought me one giant step closer to myself, it blew smoke on the coals deep inside my belly, an artist's belly.

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