It was about ten minutes to the hostel. I stayed in the same place that I had stayed before. I was not nervous about the check in and whether they let older people in. I focused on my task of arriving. This was a chore, a job, an event. Something I had to psyc myself up for. I was a woddling, sweaty mess, overburdened by the weight of my belongings. Silently I inventoried my possessions , evaluating what next would make the cut list, estounded that it was still has heavy as a dead man on my back. First thing to go is the man sweater I thought. If a homeless man stopped me for a euro on the way to the hostel, more than likely I would have just handed it to him saying "This is all I have to offer sir, sorry" Then run so that he could not hand it back. It did not happen. I walked with it in the crook of my sweaty arm. Scratchy and damp, my annoyance with the man sweater started to mutate. I hated it. I hated that Christine thought it was a good idea. I hated that I did not say no. i tried to shove it under my stretched bungie cords but was needing frequently to stop and readjust. I had to look backward before bending over to fix it for the fear that I would potentially knock someone over with my back pack. "surely this is making my ass prettier. now there is something to think about marianne. Ah still an optimist. This is good. This is very good." I imaged my butt as hard as stone and picked up my pace a little.
Everyone walked like they were late in Catania, which surprised me, and they knew exactly where they were headed. They always looked straight ahead, rarely making eye contact with a stranger. My and my rolling case was walking in the pariphary of their vision. My little rolling suitcase wobbled back and forth over the volcanic brick as I walked, I squeeze the hand to try to stabelize it, trying to keep an eye on the man sweater, making sure it did not touch the ground. It is the same routine as the last visit, just day light, alone and not as long. Still fairly miserable. I try to focus on the fact that nothing is up hill and that I am suffering with luggage in Sicily. Technically a luxury problem. All my friends at home are shlepping wood and getting there winter ducks in a row. Basta Marianne. Just get there and be happy. Rock hard bottom or not, I was sweaty and out of breath needing to slows to a snails pace. I parted all the on coming pedestrian traffic like a leaper. Couples holding hands loosened their grip to part, one on the street, the other to my side, twisting with there backs to the buildings to make more room always looking forward, mothers picked up their small children moving widely away from me.
AT the hostel, I arrived with a grunt and a slam of the door. I used my foot to lift my scummy bag over the door jam, into the lobby with more force than I intended causing it to smack face down on the floor. Everyone in the lobby turned. Red faced and shiny, I smiled and asked for a room, ignoring the attention. the sweet girl with a simpathetic cock of her head replied. "Si si, I remember you", rounding the counter to help me. "You can have a private room for a special price, it is only 7 euro more. Would you like it. It has a shower only shared with one other room and no one is in there? the whole place to yourself." Well I was exhausted so I would be snoring like a truck driver tonight. I did not want thinking about that in the company of a stranger to keep me awake. I splurged with a big "YES".
I walked mostly the first night after a shower and a nap and a little laundry. I had a few hours of day light before I had to meet kate and Alan at the elephant. Arriving in Catania, take two, hopefully without puddle scum. I went through my list with my guidebook first finding the city park. I found clusters of men again and embracing lovers and photographed like a vouyer. I walked to find St. Agatha prison and snapped pictures like mad. After dark I met kate and Alan. I brought them to the famous place for a baseball size rice ball filled with cheese and meat breaded lightly then fried gently. The crunchy outside easily giving way to a soft bite into the center of cheese warm goo. Divine. Then the best gellato in Catania. I had scoped it out earlier in the day and even was nice enough to test the quality so that they would not be disappointed. Oh how I suffer. Having remembered some from the last time and my trip on the tourist train, I took them to the outside things to see that I had seen. It was pleasant. It was not the same kind of friend satisfaction that I had felt in Palermo with Eleanor, Zoe and Chris or later in CAtania with Zoe and Chris but it was decent company.
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