Sunday, April 24, 2011

Ho finito

I have layed to rest my clothing that will never be clean.  It  included a ritual of burning in a fire and drinking homemade wine.   I have loveingly place these beautiful boots in a plastic bag to be used again when I turn the soil in my own garden this summer, vowing to wear them until my toes come through the top or my heels come through the bottoms.  Now I am settling in for the finish.  Four days left much to my amazement.  I cannot lie, this period of my life has indeed represented one of the most magical of my life.  I am fortunate that I will be leaving behind some wonderful friends only to be reunited with wonderful friends and to see my family.  Even when I was swinging a broom handle like a gladiator swings his sword at terrible little biting dogs that I had the impulse to drown, I ask myself.  How did I get so lucky?  I laughed at the rediculousness of it  and thanked my lucky stars that even with teeth torn pants it was an absolute privledge to have shoveled crap, collect worms,  weeded crops, throw 700 kili of potatos in a tube, to run away from biting dogs, to be shit on while milking a cow.  I am a lucky woman. 

Stay tuned and patient I will finish writing the events that remain untold and hopeful start to publish recipes as well. For now I am going to pack in as much as I can then go home, sit in the yard stare at my feet for a day or two, reacquaint myself with my life and then get back to living. 


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