Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Home and The Pea in the Mattress

I am in my local library chewing a plenty pack of fruit flavored gum, nervously wondering how I continue the process of writing this story.  I am blessed that friends and family are writing asking when the rest of the trip is going to come.  I love this and it makes me feel lucky. 

The bottom line is that I am brain blocked.  The creative juices are not flowing and I do not know when the writing flood gates will open again.  I have almost completed a recipe for a basic super moist cake that can be sweet or savory.  I have been practicing my Italian.  I have been enjoying the company of family and friends, but I am stymied by the resolution of the return to life details and the worries of getting my going to school ducks in a row.  Wish me luck everyone and hold out some more.  I promise I will continue.

I wrote an American friend living in Italy, telling her about my low to mid grade panic that the last six months will fade into a hazy dull memory and that the jacket covers of my Italian books will become dust covered and incomprehensible.  She assured me that Italy was like the pea in your mattress.  Italy is something if you need it, will keep you tossing and turning until you find your way back.  I believe her. 

1 comment:

  1. Italy is something if you need it, will keep you tossing and turning until you find your way back. I believe her. gel foam mattress reviews
