Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Trotting along

I am in low grade agony.  It is a luxury problem, but the truth is that i am gnawing at the bit trying to catch everyone up to the present day.  I have just arrived in a small town on a big farm where the sheep out number the people, 4 to 1.  I love this kind of proportion.  Although sheep have a reputation for being really stupid I still really like them and think they are cute close up.  The list of wonderful experiences continues to grow and my love for this kind of work and for this country is mutating.  I will stay on track though, try to write well  and be comforted with a brief list.  The adventures include a motorcycle ride through Napoli, a short stay with a cranky man with lots of nice animals, the arrival in Toscana where no english was spoken and tickling the belly of a hawk, a week running around Florence with my mom, and getting closer and closer to finding the birth records of my grandparents.  Stay tuned and know that I am hard at work trying to get my ducks in a row.  My brain feels like a cistern of stories that are eeking out at a snails pace.  I miss everyone so very much but am having the time of my life.

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